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Beliefonomics™ | Realise the true value of your story

Learn how to amplify the impact of your brand story and marketing investments. A pioneer in brand marketing, Mark reveals why brands must take time to understand what their customers believe, not just try and change behaviour.


Mark has authored the world’s first brand storytelling framework, Beliefonomics, that taps into the unrealised power of customer belief systems. Watch Mark unpack the Beliefonomics framework and learn how your unique story will transform your approach to sales, customer service, marketing and communications.


You’ll learn


  • How to simplify your organisation’s story and amplify its market impact

  • Why storytelling shifts customers from unbelief to belief in your product, service or world view

  • The role of storytelling in marketing, sales and management

  • The three core elements of a successful brand storytelling strategy

  • Why storytelling is redefining marketing, communications and brand strategies

Storytelling secrets that influence people and inspire action

Discover the power of storytelling to advance your career, influence people and change the future. Mark Jones is a master storyteller and former journalist who’s interviewed global leaders and unlocked the secret to truly effective communications – for individuals and organisations. Mark shares his storytelling secrets to change the way you write reports, speak with colleagues, report to the board, or stand and deliver that all-important presentation.


You’ll learn


  • How to use the power of storytelling at work

  • Why teams respond to stories, not lists of instructions

  • The ability to tell a story in any form of communications or workplace situation

  • Simple storytelling tools from the Beliefonomics framework that apply to the workplace

Telling your Origin Story

Discover the power of your organisation’s Origin Story, a tale rarely documented and seldom used strategically.


Learn how to engage customers with your Origin Story, unlock growth and re-energise your marketing strategies. Mark Jones also explains how his world-first brand storytelling framework, Beliefonomics, gives you the ability to leverage the story of your brand, product, or service.


This keynote and workshop is essential for any organisation looking to grow by taking a fresh look at its best asset, the Origin Story.


You’ll learn


  • How to document the Origin Story of your brand or service for growth

  • How global brands are leveraging their Origin Story

  • Why the Origin Story Key captures the hearts and minds of your audience

  • The best way to turn your story into a marketing strategy that works

The Belief Moment: Unlock the secret of storytelling

Every book, movie, article, poem, song, blog or documentary ever created shares a common thread. Stories take us on a journey. This keynote takes you into the mythology, science and history of storytelling and why we’re biologically wired for story.


Mark Jones reveals why brands need to shift from creating campaigns to creating Belief Moments that shift customers from unbelief to belief in your product, service or ideas.


Drawing on his Beliefonomics brand storytelling framework, Mark helps brand storytellers, marketers and business leaders take a different approach to storytelling, marketing strategies and behaviour change campaigns.


You’ll learn


  • How to capture audience attention and inspire action

  • The power of Belief Moments to create lasting change

  • A new framework for marketing strategy and campaign activations

What brands can learn from movie directors

Do you love Pixar, Disney, Marvel or Universal Studios? Would you love to know how they bring brilliant story ideas to life?


Mark Jones has interviewed Hollywood directors and producers, and in this keynote reveals the secrets they use to create movies, TV shows and documentaries that jump to life and capture your imagination.


He also translates these best practices into practical tools you can apply in the workplace, marketing campaigns and brand strategies.


This keynote takes you deep into the heart of storytelling and gives you the inspiration and insights need to create stories that inspire your staff, sales teams, customers or business partners.


You’ll learn


  • How Hollywood directors and producers create compelling stories

  • The techniques needed to bring storytelling alive in your organisation

  • Why storytelling is your greatest growth opportunity

Speaking topics

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